Monday, March 2, 2009

Movie: WALL-E

Another win from Pixar, marred only by the slightly heavy-handed moralizing about environmentalism. A long-awaited attempt at a pop animation with minimal dialog. Cute, clever, insightful ... but I just can’t quite think of much to add here.


Unknown said...

If "heavy-handed moralizing" is equal to "background themes that weren't even intended as a message as evidences by Stanton's commentary on the film"...

It's amazing how people are SO afraid of learning something that they feel "preached to" even when what they are commenting on did no preaching or moralizing. Frankly, I think people are fools for thinking that actually getting to TAKE SOMETHING AWAY from a movie, moral, environmental, or otherwise, is a bad thing. I hope someday we get back to a point where people realize movies aren't ONLY there to be mindless fluff.

ctdonath said...

You spent significantly more verbiage tearing down a three-word phrase than the post containing it.

Unknown said...

nice movie, good animation technology used.