- bigger budget (by 10x: $170M vs. $17M)
- better technology (by 10,000x: Moore's Law)
- more hero (by 3x: not just one Jeff Bridges but three of 'em)
- highlights redux bigger (disc battles, lightcycle races, honkin' big wierd machines)
- awesome music (Walter Carlos, meet Daft Punk)
- more overall spectacle (imparting "yeah, that's what I remember, but cooler!")
- and...and...oh, what was that last thing...oh, right - plot (I guess that mangled heap in the corner is a plot).
For geeks remembering Atari 800s and PC-selling Charlie Chaplin, a must-see return to a historical milestone.
For anyone else, a high-tech fireworks show - no real meaning, but still really fun to watch.